Ghost Story Games Reveals Judas, an All-New Single-Player Narrative First-Person Shooter Studio Led by Ken Levine, Creator of System Shock 2, BioShock and BioShock Infinite, Unveils First Trailer of New Game in Development at The Game Awards...
A while back, we rebranded our studio from Irrational Games to Ghost Story Games, and launched a new website to go with it. Our online store took a little bit longer, though. Why, you ask? Fair question. Rather than reskinning the store, we’ve teamed...
We believe in getting involved and fostering change here at Ghost Story. Since our last Outreach post, members of our team have been busy finding their own ways to make a difference. Here are a few of their stories.
This Saturday, our Creative Director, Ken Levine, will be at the Tribeca Games Festival in New York City speaking with filmmaker Doug Liman in a keynote conversation reflecting on his two decades in video games and the legacy his work has created for...
c 29th April, 2017
M Tribeca Festival Hub, Spring Studios - 50 Varick Street, New York City
BioShock creator, Ken Levine, will be speaking with Eurogamer’s Oli Welsh at EGX Rezzed about his love for games, his time as a game designer and about Ghost Story games, the studio he co-founded with 12 former Irrational Games staff.
c 30th March, 2017
M London, England
In addition to making games, everyone on our team has their own passions and causes they believe in. At Ghost Story, we all like to give back in our own way. Here are just a few contributions we’ve worked on and plan on continuing to...